Sunday, 31 August 2014

Back again, forever this time.

Hi hi hi, zone right is back in town. This is my first post ever using my iPhone. I bought it in May and I haven't been ready to blog with it yet. So, this is my first try. Also, well you know that's not my name, but it doesn't matter. In case of errors I have to explain to you that I am writing using my voice. For some reason, my blog app keeps doing a ding sound as soon as I write something. Very annoying. So, I decided to do it this way instead. I have started becoming worried about time. Time that gets wasted with no purpose, drains that are born but never fulfilled. It doesn't make sense why I should live on there's nothing actually worth living for. My only passion is my crochets. I have started working on the blankets, blankets and warm blankets. I have made one for the rocking chair at our summer house. I am actually going to Norway on Thursday this week that starts tomorrow. It's going to be great, but as usual I have traveling fever. I am feeling sick, and at the same time, I have this stupid PMS. Well, tomorrow it will be over. I will begin my red week. Well, that is not much better. I'm going to try to get my hands on some alcohol before I go to Norway, but probably my father will have to stand for that. Because of the fact that I know nothing about alcohol. Well, I know how to drink it, but I always drink too much. I need to get a new charger before Thursday. My name is all glitching. That is really annoying. I can't hold my phone because when I do and when I talk to, it does that ding ding ding ding sound because it gets plugged in and plugged out. It's glitchy. Oh well, I will fix that tomorrow. I mean hey, I can't go to Norway with a broken charger, can I? Beep beep beep beep! All the time. Oh yeah great. Another day soon over and I feel like I have wasted it. It feels like all I ever do is to waste time. I never accomplish anything. Okay, I need a purpose in life. Because if I don't have anything to live for, I am no one. How can I be Zandra, without all that is me? I am also scared, because of the fact that I may feel disappointment and hopelessness again when I come back home. Also, I have this issue that I can easily become sick in the car. Not fake like vomit, just plainly nauseous. I mean, I wake up to the same stuff, I go to sleep in the same bed. I don't want to live on one single place. I need some more excitement and I need to feel that I have accomplished something. I just get frightened because of all the time that I waste. I mean hey, at least I can produce something, but that doesn't mean anything. I just can't accomplish anything. I watch TV, I listen to music, but that's all. Spotify open it's going on my nerves. I just thought I should say that. Well, at least I have a lot of time. It is just that it is not enough. I do the same stupid stuff every day, every night I sleep safe and sound, but I don't like it. Where is the excitement! Also, I don't watch TV very much. Well, it is on in the background, just in case, but I never listen. Why should I? I don't even use my laptop much. Not even to play on altar. It is slow as hell. The laptop, I mean. I just think it is so bulky, now that I have my iPhone. It is more portable, I can play Oakland to see with the browser, though there should be an app for it. There should be at Quentine see game room app for iPhone. Anyway, that doesn't matter. I have found a game called Dice World. That rules. It is really awesome because of the fact that blind and sighted people can play under the same conditions. Tomorrow, I am going to town to be able to actually eat some food and buy some more yarn. Well, I am the spider. What would aspire to be without her Web? Not much at all. Plus, this spider loves her Web. I am really really tired of life. I don't know the relevancy of dad, but it doesn't matter. My father has promised that there will be network at the summer house. He will bring via less network. The problem is that he will have to share it, because of the fact that it can only be used in a laptop or desktop. Well, that is alright. I would prefer to have cellular access, but some things are the way they are. Well, I tried my father's hotspot from at his phone, but well, it was slow as hell. Also, I have been dating a guy twice and now I am giving up on you guys. Now it's only girls that is my rule. I have been a less been all along. Don't ask me why I dated a guy. That is not something I can answer. If I knew why, things would be much easier, but I guess that I was just lonely and needed somebody. Hopefully, his new girlfriend gets tired of him and breaks up. Because that guy appeared to be a stupid douche bag. Well, that's nice. I am tired, but probably I won't sleep yes get. There is too much and society inside of me right now. I don't have anything to call me down with. Well, I meant anxiety, not society. Never mind. I love Siri. There are some errors, but I have never I had to undo anything. Not in this entire post. The problem is that it doesn't exist in Swedish. But well, Swedish is adult language. Plus, what would people say if Sandra started liking in Swedish? If I started liking in Swedish, fewer people will understand. I am well aware of that not many read this. Still, I think it is good that anyone that tries to actually understands what I write. My talking is very depressed. I talked the way I feel, which is great. I don't like that happy happy happy happy happy happy happy stuff. It makes meS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I K S IRI IRI IRI IRI I CK! Now I have tried to do in fun synthesizer stuff with dictation. Yes what used the word no space. Zandra is tired of love stories. I am tired of the fact that they are always about the same stuff. I like twilight, because it is different. I hate teenage love stories. I didn't like them as a teenager, I don't like them now. Somethings will never change, my dear. The Shanes of personality and passion and dreams and hopefulness and wishes are very very by doing stuff. No matter what you do, somethings will never change. Those are binding Shanes. Oh, I just remembered. There has been a commercial that I have been looking for for several years. I found it a couple of days ago. It is called travel as I write. Yes search on YouTube for travel as I wait. I repeat, travel as I wait. I listen to it a lot, now that I have found it. I don't know why I like it, since I don't actually understand it. It's just nice listening to. The thing I don't like with Spotify is that you can't play one song. You can play one single artist or a playlist or an album, but not specifically one song. The commercials don't bother me. They're actually not in the way. I will have to get premium someday. Zandra Walker is going to bed now. Me sleepy. :-)

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